Jan 25, 2010

Music Album Database (Part 3: Reports)

You will be creating 4 DIFFERENT reports using your Music Album Database. Below are the requirements for each report.

Report 1
  • Create a report that will include ALL fields EXCEPT picture. Sort by Artist in ascending order. Go to Format > Border, so that there is a line between each record.
Report 2
  • Create a report that will be grouped by Record Label and Sorted by Record Label. Choose any additional fields that you would like to add.
Report 3
  • Create a report that will filter either Artist or prices. Find a price that works if the first one does not.
Report 4
  • Create a report that will include Artist and the two prices. Create a field summary that will find the Sum, Average, Minimum, and Maximum for the prices.
The reports must include the proper header with your name and block in the left, title of database in the middle, and date in the right.

Each report is worth 10 points.