Nov 16, 2009

Calendar Project

You will use Publisher to create a 12 month calendar. The following are the requirements:


  1. The Calendar Year must be 2010
  2. You will create 12 Tops and Bottoms to the Calendar in landscape orientation. (If you choose to do it another way, please ask me first). Change the layout guides to .5
  3. Be sure to use Border Art, Word Art
  4. Tops must include pictures that represent the theme that you have chosen. Also, be sure to include any pictures that are representative of the particular month. (You must have at least two for each). For example, Hearts for Valentine's Day during the month of February.
  1. To create the caledndar, go to Design Gallery Object and choose 'Boxes'. Be sure to then change the date range to match the month you are working on. 
  2. Use different fonts for each month. Choose a font that is appropriate to that month. (The font for days of the week must match the font for the month).
  3. Make sure to Vertically and Horizontally center the days of the week within the cell. (To vertically center select text, right-click, choose Format Table, and click the Cell Properties tab. Then, in vertical alignment, choose Middle.)
  4. The number days for each month MUST be in the upper left corner and no bigger than 18 point font (this can be adjusted depending on font choice). It can be smaller than 12 if you wish, but it MUST be easy to read.
  5. Fill color behind each day of the week (can be different or the same).
  6. Place clipart of pictures for special days. For example, for New Year's Day, type New Year's Day in the box and include a picture to represent it. This must be done for EVERY special day.
  7. YOU NEED PERSONAL PICTURES of family, friends, pets, etc. for birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions.
For each month:
January - include New Years Day, Martin Luther King Day and an additional four of your choice
February - Valentine's Day, President's Day and an additional four of your choice
March - Saint Patrick's Day and an additional four of your choice
April - April Fool's Day, Daylight Savings, Earth Day, Good Friday, Easter and an additional four of your choice
May - Mother's Day, Memorial Day and an additional four of your choice
June - Final Exams, Last Day of School, Father's Day and an additional four of your choice
July - Independence Day and an additional four of your choice
August - Fall Sports Begin and an additional four of your choice
September - Labor Day, First Day of School and an additional four of your choice
October - Columbus Day, Halloween and an additional four of your choice
November - Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and an additional four of your choice
December - Chanukah, Christmas Day, Kwanzaa and an additional four of your choice

In addition, you need to find: Spring Begins, Fall Begins, Winter Begins, Summer Begins, Daylight Savings Time, Ground Hog Day, Flag Day, Chinese New Year, Lincoln's B-day, Washington's B-day, April Fools Day, Earth Day, Cinco de Mayo. Use the Internet to help you.

This project is worth 100 points!

When you are finished, you should have TWO separate documents. Once saved as Cover Page and the other saved as Calendar.